It's All Good

You’ve done bigger things. Now see if you can stick with this smaller thing.
— Nancy C Murray

Yesterday, I was leading yoga class, and the above words slipped out of my mouth. For the first time while teaching a class, I had to crawl over to get a pen and paper. Always, the words that I speak flow through me and this felt particularly inspired.

Isn’t this great advice of how to be in this world? We all have had peak experiences of one kind or another. For me, I find these on pilgrimage, attending or guiding a particularly meaningful training, or, more recently, in taking my class in Shamanic energy medicine. As I mentioned last week, for my friend, it was walking the Appalachian trail. You know what these have been for you. Did you train for a race? Study for and pass a difficult exam? Climb a mountain? Perfect a recipe? I could go on. The point is, we all have times when we feel elevated and in the flow.

After doing a giant feat like walking the Camino or running a marathon, coming back home to simply take local hikes or taking your daily run - things that had brought great joy in the preparation - can feel less than. And, we all have to be in the world and do things that feel small - watering the plants, grocery shopping, paying the bills, taking care of the house.

The key is in finding the sweetness in the grand and in the not so grand elements of life. With practice and observation, you might even be able to turn every little thing into an event full of light, joy, and wonder.

Copyright 2021 Nancy C Murray

Nancy C Murray is a practitioner of shamanic energy medicine, a yoga teacher, yoga therapist, Reiki master and spiritual leader.  She leads public and private yoga classes and healing sessions, transformational courses, and also retreats and spiritual journeys.
