What Do You Get to Do?

We certainly are living in an interesting time, aren’t we? There is just so much loss for everyone. On top of the true tragedies of death and illness, there are losses everywhere: high school proms, countless performances and recitals cancelled, weddings, that job you thought you were going to start, that trip you thought you were going to take. And then the little losses, the lack of broad freedom we are used to. Empty shelves, no hugs, whatever. The list is certainly endless. This is a reality, and we are all living it together. I myself had a terrible day on Monday, as I was just thinking about what I was missing and my uncertainty about some things, particularly when I would see most members of my family again. This dwelling on loss, however, is not healthy and certainly not productive.

Yesterday, I woke up to a new day and, if you read this blog enough, did what I so often encourage you all to do. I started fresh. I took control of my own story, and I began to notice all the things that I do get to do. I had a great time washing my car. I was able to spend some time pulling weeds, and the weather was beautiful so we ate lunch outside. I have gotten to become creative in my cooking as the store has a wavy supply of food. I actually have gotten to shop in a fairly well stocked store as the food supply and demand evens out. I have gotten to learn how to use Zoom, and the flexible schedules that many of us have been allowed to adopt have given me the chance to have virtual parties with friends from around the world. I have been privileged to lead daily meditation class and effect true healing for people. I get to talk to my daughter every day, and I have gotten to try curbside pickup of various things. I have pulled out my sewing machine and have made masks for family members with vintage fabric my mom bought 40+ years ago. My husband is home all day so I don’t have any of the alone time I used to dread. I get to walk and walk and walk with friends who are six feet away as we go. I get to watch the trees blossom, the grass green up, and I even get to visit with a bear every so often. I can go on and on and on.

I invite you to start now with your mind shift. What do YOU get to do today?

Copyright 2020 Nancy C Murray

If you would like to participate in my daily healing meditations at 12:15 to 12:45 every day, please email me and I will send you the link.

Nancy C Murray is a yoga teacher, yoga therapist, Reiki master and spiritual leader.  She leads public and private yoga classes and healing sessions, transformational courses, and also retreats and spiritual journeys.
