Pillars of Support

This Monday, our town was hit with a big storm. We have gotten so used to the phone ringing from the Town of West Hartford with the latest Covid restriction that I was not surprised when it rang again. This time our steadfast mayor, Shari Cantor, was calling to warn us of an afternoon storm with gusts up to 70 MPH. Bring in the patio furniture, be safe! What next? Really? We have recently moved into the woods and so I was concerned about downed trees and power loss. What followed was interesting. Friends in town lost their power, or at least had it flicker. Some trees came down. Around us, however, while we heard the wind blowing, all of the trees around us gently swayed side to side. Empty plastic pots in the yard did not even get blown over.

That evening, we spoke to our daughter, who works for the US Forest Service. She explained that trees in the forest do not get as buffeted by the wind as they all act as buffers for the other, thus limiting the wind’s impact.

This got me thinking about we as people and how we are reacting to the covid restrictions. Do you feel like this is happening only to you? Do you feel alone? The fact is that we are all in this absolutely together. Amazingly, this is worldwide, and we are all in this together. When you allow yourself to feel isolated or singled out, it is much easier for you to break like a single tree in a gusty wind. So, in these days where we are largely stuck in the house, how do you connect with community?

I have been so lucky to connect weekly with my high school classmates, friends from a woman’s club I belong to, my family, and some college friends on Zoom. I am so blessed to be able to see my yoga community every week on Zoom, and have been able to teach my meditation class every day to people who tune in from around the country. At 7 every night, even from here in the woods, I hear the bells ringing from around the neighborhood, rung in a sign of solidarity. These are just a few things that I am doing resolutely so that I don’t feel alone, as these restrictions are not easy for me.

It is essential to stay connected. We are all so fragile now that support of others is key. Unlike other times when some people are impacted and others are not, we all feel like we need support but there are no people out there who do not. So, please, find yourself some connection. Offer compassion to yourself and to others. When we stand up together we are all stronger.

If you are feeling like you would like a little peace or buffering, I am here for you. Give me a call, send an email, or come to a Zoom class!

Copyright 2020 Nancy C Murray

If you would like to participate in my daily healing meditations at 12:15 to 12:45 every day, please email me and I will send you the link.

Nancy C Murray is a yoga teacher, yoga therapist, Reiki master and spiritual leader.  She leads public and private yoga classes and healing sessions, transformational courses, and also retreats and spiritual journeys.
