Own Your Awesomeness!

Here it is Thanksgiving week, so you’d think I would be writing about gratitude or the like. I have, however, already explored that topic (if you want to read that blog, click here) and there are a lot of messages about this out there.

What I have noticed again and again this week in my interactions with others is how almost universally people do not see their own light and talent. It seems like everyone’s inner critic is on overdrive. I have written about this before but feel that it bears re examination, because this week the forgetting seems to be strong in so many people. I have thought about this, and one of the causes, I think, is that we are all experts in whatever it is that we do. And, there is always more to learn. We know so much, but we also can see what we don’t know. And, if we look and see others who do what we do, we can always find an example of someone who we think is doing our work better. However, my guess is that that person is also looking out with an inner critic.

This is all fine if it causes you to work harder to be a better version of yourself. However, the shadow side of this is that this comparison can cause people to become anxious or depressed. I have seen it cause people to hesitate to socialize with certain people or also to be unwilling to step into the arena and share their talents. Another byproduct of this, particularly with women, is a willingness to accept less compensation than they are worth.

So today, I invite you to look at yourself and remind yourself that you are full of light and that you are just so, so good at what you do! With a long weekend, maybe you will have time to reflect on this and plan how you might take your talents and allow them to shine!

Copyright 2019 Nancy C Murray

Nancy C Murray is a yoga teacher, yoga therapist, Reiki master and spiritual leader.  She leads public and private yoga classes and healing sessions, transformational courses, and also retreats and spiritual journeys.
