Release your grip

After a bit of hiatus, I am back to the blog! I have had a very very busy month of shift and shift and more shift, and am thrilled to have some time to get back to it!

Upon return from the Camino, the topic that was of top of mind is the title of this blog. And, ironically, I have not been able to release the directive to type this blog, even over the course of several weeks!

Time and again, I have observed in myself and others a desire to hold onto the idea that we can control everything that happens in our lives. With that desire comes a corresponding instinct to also try to predict what may happen and, as a result drive ourselves out of alignment with worry. I saw this in particular on the path in the way that many people showed up in Madrid with their favorite weather app and the prognostication that the weather would be terrible for the walk and what would we do? The interesting thing for me to observe about myself was that I felt irritated by this in some way. (Irritation being the best way to know that the lesson was really for me, right?) So, even as I assured everyone that we couldn’t control the weather and that we would have the Camino meant for us, I was secretly wondering what in the world I was going to do on the last day for the beach ceremony during the rain, which was universally predicted. I will confess that I spent too much mental energy thinking about this because, after all, there was nothing that i could do to change it and, even if it had rained, we would have had an amazing closing.

So, if you read the blog, the weather ended up sunny and delightful.

I teach this all the time but was clearly sparked brighter in my understanding of letting go. In this year of moving and trying to sell my house, I myself had been doing a lot of worrying and trying to control what I can’t control. In the moment of the closing of the Camino, I released my grip on thinking that I could do anything to control the sale of my house. This resultant release has not brought a buyer into the house but it HAS allowed me to move forward unattached to the sale of the house - an event that will happen when the person who feels at home in my former home happens to walk in and not a moment sooner. I can’t tell you the light that this has brought me!

So, today I invite you to notice when you are trying to control what you can’t control, or when you are allowing yourself to worry about something that may or may not happen. Like the trees releasing their leaves this fall, can you release this? In the release, I can promise you light.

Copyright 2019 Nancy C Murray

Nancy C Murray is a yoga teacher, yoga therapist, Reiki master and spiritual leader.  She leads public and private yoga classes and healing sessions and also retreats and transformational journeys.
