Don't be stingy

Alas, with all that is going on in the world and the preparation on last week’s newsletter, I have not posted a blog in a while! I’m not sure why I haven't been in the flow of creativity, but that’s neither here nor there

Yesterday, as I was driving in my car, I was listening to another great episode of the Positive Head, and Brandon Beachum mentioned that he had received a message that, among other things, said “Don’t be Stingy.” Well, bam, there was an imperative for me to write. This was one of my grandmother’s favorite things to say, and I myself think of her and her phrase every time I am watering the plants in my garden.

These days, many people have been driven by fear into their lowest selves. Dividing into camps, digging in their heels, closing hearts, and hoarding things are pervasive.

So, what would happen if, instead, we all tuned into trusting the abundance of the universe? Times like these really really challenge us to head my grandmother’s advice - don’t be stingy. How would this look? Let’s all be generous with our love and understanding towards people - understanding that everyone is hurting and missing something meaningful by this time in the virus protocols. Let’s trust that the universe will provide and simply buy what we need when we go out shopping. In considering how much to donate to the local food bank or to a charity helping those impacted by all of this, can we dig deeper and give even more? Most importantly, how would it look if we were not stingy with our own self care? Taking time to love and care for ourselves is the hardest thing to be generous with in times of crisis.

Like the flowers I just hopefully planted in my garden, we will all bloom better if we heed this timeless advice.

Copyright 2020 Nancy C Murray

If you would like to participate in my daily healing meditations at 12:15 to 12:45 every day, please email me and I will send you the link.

Nancy C Murray is a yoga teacher, yoga therapist, Reiki master and spiritual leader.  She leads public and private yoga classes and healing sessions, transformational courses, and also retreats and spiritual journeys.
