What's Important

This time of social disruption is full of lessons, and there are so many things that I could write about today. In the interest of being of service, I may, in fact, increase the frequency of my blog posts. It does, in fact, seem like we are living a full month in every day, the world is so rapidly changing.

Anyway, the one topic that I would like to focus on today is how the current situation of social distancing and reordering of our lives really provides a great lens for us to determine who and what we really love and value in our lives. It’s like the whole world is being forced to do what we in the spiritual community try to do again and again!

Who have you been calling and texting? Who have you been thinking about? What activities that you have been forced to drop do you really miss? Which ones are you not noticing at all?

In this climate of worry, when you find yourself in that space, what are you feeling? It is very unlikely that any one of you reading this will have a drastic adverse effect on your own health from this virus, but is it bringing the brevity of life into the forefront? When you think about this, is it clear that you need to make a change in something? Do you need to learn a new skill, plan an adventure, change jobs?

This stirring up time can be used as a gift! I invite you to take some quiet time alone, perhaps with a journal, and ask yourself the questions I pose. Trust the answers. Make a plan to take action when this is over so that you can move forward with light and love.

Remember, the disruption is temporary, the lessons don’t have to be.

Copyright 2020 Nancy C Murray

Nancy C Murray is a yoga teacher, yoga therapist, Reiki master and spiritual leader.  She leads public and private yoga classes and healing sessions, transformational courses, and also retreats and spiritual journeys.
