Be Generous

Call out to the whole divine night for what you love. What you stand for. Earn your name. Be kind, and wild, and disciplined, and absolutely generous.
— Dr. Martin Shaw

In pondering what to write today, I ran across the above quote from in a folder of readings I had pulled together for the Camino journey in 2018. I don’t think I ever used it, but, as divine timing always goes, it is the perfect reading for my blog today!

I have been out and about this week and noticing the importance of showing up. It is very tempting these days to stay home, to nest, to retreat, as I wrote about last week. This retreat, however, is not meant to be permanent, simply a retreat. Something separate from regular life. During this time is when I feel the first part of the above quote is lived and listened to. The intent after retreat is to be able to come back into the world clear and ready to offer your gifts generously, as the end of the quote suggests.

This has been clear to me as I have been meeting by chance (as if there is such a thing) and intentionally many old friends, even as I have been caring for myself. It has been so nice to share energy with them and be reminders for each other of our light and gifts.

At Samadhi yoga studio yesterday, Anne Falkowski suggested that we give and receive with gratitude. She was, on the surface, talking about receiving assists in yoga class, but energetically so much more.

We all have these magnificent gifts to offer the world - each one of us has our own unique and perfect self to offer to each other and to the world. When we allow our gifts to flow out freely AND open our hearts to receive the gifts of others with gratitude, this is when the sweet flow of abundance is at its strongest. The level of generosity I suggest takes courage and faith - the more you offer, the more you receive. We are all connected through divine light and the more we offer, the more everyone receives.

(Check out the picture of the amazing snowman from the reservoir path in my backyard, a perfect example of someone generously using their skill for the benefit of all! :))

Copyright 2020 Nancy C Murray

Nancy C Murray is a yoga teacher, yoga therapist, Reiki master and spiritual leader.  She leads public and private yoga classes and healing sessions, transformational courses, and also retreats and spiritual journeys.

I’m not sure who created this, but isn’t it magnificent?!!

I’m not sure who created this, but isn’t it magnificent?!!