Do One Thing at a Time

As I was walking in the woods this afternoon, I noticed a woman who was jogging and also talking on the phone. I observed the same thing yesterday when in the grocery store - a man with his earbuds in chatting away as he went up and down the aisles. I honestly wondered if he actually selected what he intended to when shopping. These two encounters have made me think of all of the times that we try to do more than one thing at a time. Modern technology makes it so “easy” to do many things at once. “Hmm,” we might say to ourselves, “How can I get more done in a day? I know, I will walk, and do a business call , drive and make an appointment, wait in line at the bank and return a few emails.” etc. You know exactly what I’m talking about because I know you have done this at one time or another. Another side of this has manifested as I have seen people sitting at a dining table talking with friends and then looking at or even answering a phone. In contrast, today, I had a great meal with five wonderful women for 2 hours and we all gave the group our undivided attention.

This all has gotten me to think again about spending life at a human pace. When exactly was it that we decided that we could do everything at once? When did we decide that we needed to measure up by doing more and more and more and WHEN was it that life transitioned into feeling the need to be available 24 hours a day?

How would it be if you decided to stop all this nuttiness and just do one thing at a time? Walking in the woods undistracted is so nourishing - the sounds of the animals, birds, rushing water, your own footsteps all have something to teach. When you are with someone and you give them your undivided attention, it is such a gift to both of you. Even waiting in the bank line can be enlightening - with your face out of the phone, you might catch the smile of another person in the bank or notice an old friend walking in.

The calls can wait, as can the texts and emails, and you will find that everything gets done anyway.

I love to turn off my phone and computer notifications, and I invite you to do the same.

Copyright 2020 Nancy C Murray

Nancy C Murray is a yoga teacher, yoga therapist, Reiki master and spiritual leader.  She leads public and private yoga classes and healing sessions, transformational courses, and also retreats and spiritual journeys.
