
Blessings of wind be upon me.
May my sails billow wide,
May I breathe deeply the gift of inspiration. . .
May I be fully free
— Christine Valters Paintner

These past couple of days, we have experienced a fierce wind around here.  After days of clear, warm, humid weather, the inevitable cold front blew through with wind and much needed rain.   The sound of the wind was particularly compelling - loud and strong - and it could be heard whistling everywhere I went.

The strong wind reminded me of my connection to my breath.  Both opportunities to bring in new energy and release/sweep away old stale energy.  Of course, the word inspiration basically means inbreath.  While I crave change and new ideas and hope to be a vehicle for change, the strong wind allowed me to examine how much am I truly willing to alter my way of life.  How am I rooted in what is known and comfortable, and am I willing to release my grasp on life to truly allow a strong wind to bring in new experiences?  How much of what we perceive as tethering us is really a construct created by our own minds?  Like the path of the Camino, how much can we trust that the winds of time will bring us safely to destinations we had only dreamed of?

I am hoping that this simple awareness will help me move forward in new and previously unimagined ways!


Copyright 2017 Nancy C Murray