Love letters

During my recovery, I was held up by so many people in so many ways. One of the remarkable ways that I was given hope and healing was through cards and letters. I was very very sick and I couldn’t really talk to people outside of my immediate family. However, I was overwhelmed by the love and support that cards and letters offered me. Simple cards with “I love you” and “Thinking of You” or really anything buoyed me. I can’t begin to describe how every missive held me up through some difficult days.

It led me to think: why do we wait for a crisis to send cards to our friends? We don’t spend much time telling our friends how much they mean to us. We help each other survive day after day while we share about our kids or our trials with relatives or whatever it is. Our relationships with our friends are so important and we never tell each other how much we mean to each other. The time together is the real expression of love anyway, but it was really extraordinarily to see it written.

So, every once in a while, you might consider occasionally dropping a surprise love letter or card to a friend. ❤️

Copyright Nancy C Murray 2024