
As I have been recovering, I have had a long time to think and have hundreds of blog posts swimming through my head, but I am starting with simple posts as my recovery is ongoing. So, first, my simple post about yoga and now, I'd like to talk about the yogic concept of tapas. There are many aspects of tapas: fire, discipline, tenacity. This is the energy that keeps me going as I go through months and months of recovery. I am both daunted and encouraged by the idea that my recovery is 5 months in with 7 to 9 months to go. I make progress every day, and, as I describe it, it's like watching paint dry but slower.

That said, many people have commented that my recovery has thus far been remarkable. This is largely due to my sticking with it. For example, every day after figuring out how to read again in October, I read aloud for 10 minutes a day and maybe a few minutes longer silently. I started with Harry Potter. That meant 5 pages a day, but ultimately I did finish the first book. I could never imagine reading a book, but 10 mintes a day, I could commit to that!

My occupational therapists reminded me about the existence of a calendar and that has really accelerated my recovery even more, because I don’t forget what I need to do. Each day: eye exercises, PT, arms, write, 15 minutes of reading, 15 minutes of accounting, etc. You get the idea. The whole thing is easier with organization and taken in small bites.

I'm sure you can relate to this. Notice if you have a goal or dream that seems insurmountable and see if you, too, can commit to realizing it by taking small bites!

Copyright 2024 Nancy C Murray