Begin Again and Again

Today, as I was teaching a yoga class, I was struck (again) by how many opportunities we have to just begin again. This year in particular, it feels like we are always celebrating some new year or new season or new moon cycle. This week, it was Spring, the astrological new year, and the new moon, in addition to some greater cosmic energy floating around that I can feel but am not that conversant to describe right here.

Are you feeling stuck and unsure where to go? Do you feel like you certainly messed up something or that an opportunity passed you by? Did you do something great that you want to replicate? Maybe you are contemplating who you are after this pandemic and who you would like to become. Well, the interesting thing about this beautiful life is that we can start over. Right now the gate is open wide and you are being welcomed to step through.

You can decide what to keep, you can fling things away. You can stay the course or you can redefine.


Does this idea sound daunting? Do you feel not ready? Do you sense a need for more discernment before you waltz forward into a fresh version of yourself? Well, guess what? The universe is not like that! This is not the one gateway, this is not the only opportunity! Maybe what you need to bring into your life is self care, releasing have tos, letting go of sharp judgement or weights that are holding you down.

I am here walking with you, whichever way you decide to go.

Copyright 2023 Nancy C Murray

Nancy C Murray is a practitioner of shamanic energy medicine, Reiki master, and spiritual leader. She leads public and private yoga classes and healing sessions, transformational courses, and also retreats and spiritual journeys.