Consider the earth

Now is the time of year when many of us sit down and reflect on how to move forward into the new year - a time for fresh starts. Perhaps you have found yourself doing this kind of reflection yourself. What are you thinking about? Stepping into your authentic self? Eating better? More exercise? I have heard many of my dearest friends saying that one resolution is to set better boundaries. I’m sure you have your list.

Rather than being solely self focused, how would it be to shift some of this moving forward energy into what you might do for your community - maybe even expand into considering what you could do for the earth herself? This is how we see the world as shamanic energy medicine practitioners - how do we all fit into the greater community of the earth? Of course, working on yourself to become more peaceful and loving will always benefit a wide number of people, but consider how the reverse is also true. In committing yourself to broader service to your community or to the earth, you may find yourself drifting closer to your ideal being more easily than if you pursue a self focused goal.

This does not have to be overwhelming. Maybe you go out and pick up litter, or help out at a local homeless shelter. Perhaps you spend the weekend changing your lightbulbs to LED. Maybe, rather than buying new clothes, you go to a thrift store or swap with some friends. Try cooking a meal with sustainable or locally grown ingredients, mindfully working with plant based ingredients. You could develop an awareness of how much you throw away. Maybe you would rather do something financial. Consider donating to an organization that is helping the earth in some way. It doesn’t have to be large. Simply open your awareness to understand that well-being starts with the health of the earth and start somewhere!

Copyright 2023 Nancy C Murray

Nancy C Murray is a practitioner of shamanic energy medicine, Reiki master, joy professor and spiritual leader. She leads public and private yoga classes and healing sessions, transformational courses, and also retreats and spiritual journeys.