Begin Again

Last week, I had the great privilege to perform a death rite.

Each time I complete this journey with someone, I am struck with a certain energy that compels me to write this blog.

I would invite you today to imagine that you have been reborn. The baggage of expectation sloughs off of you like a scab from a wound and you are reborn. The intricacies of family  and society disappear from your mind and you are reborn. Not in the way of the butterfly, transmuting itself from one thing to another but in the way of the snake, pushing away the old skin all at once and becoming as clean and new as a baby. What would you choose to do? How would you act if you could move forward into the future with none of the trappings of the past?

Interrogate this new you, this reborn you. What do you dream about? What role do you want to play in the world? Freed from the tar pit of experience and skills and resumés, if you could inject yourself seamlessly into a new character, a new set of lines, which would you choose?

Life, stripped of the nagging extremities that so often distract us, is a joyful, vibrant gift. Why hold yourself back? Ask yourself, “why not today?”

Copyright 2022 Nancy C Murray

Nancy C Murray is a practitioner of shamanic energy medicine, a yoga teacher, yoga therapist, Reiki master and spiritual leader. She leads public and private yoga classes and healing sessions, transformational courses, and also retreats and spiritual journeys. She is grateful for the editing help of her son George Murray on this blog post!