
This summer, the lesson of patience has been coming to me again and again.

I was getting ready for some friends to come to play in my pool, and I pulled out one of our floats that had collapsed over the winter. A small flower float. I started to blow and a strong impatient wave came over me. I just wanted the float to be ready, NOW, And, frankly, it was more than that. I was looking at the day, feeling the friends being there, then the plans for later in the day, and then even the week, the month, the year. I was the opposite of being present.

This was not the only occurrence of impatience. The message has come to me again and again: slow down, wait for what is coming next, trust the divine plan.

Another example of this patience message was a few weeks ago, I was performing a new moon despacho ceremony with my friend, Nancy Illman, as we visioned and planned stepping into our business as joy professors. I KNOW that this will come in right time, but boy, I just can’t wait to get started. And, of course, after our beautiful ceremony, the fire didn’t light right away. Again, the lesson of patience, all in good time.

I did get my float inflated, I had a lovely day with my friends, and the fire did light.

As I now get ready to travel to Spain to walk the Camino de Santiago, I am fascinated to step into the energy of complete awareness. The Camino for me always brings a desire to savor every last second, and I feel no impatience at all. Isn’t life interesting?

How is the idea of patience or the lack thereof sitting with you today?

Copyright 2022 Nancy C Murray

Nancy C Murray is a practitioner of shamanic energy medicine, Reiki master, joy professor and spiritual leader. She leads public and private yoga classes and healing sessions, transformational courses, and also retreats and spiritual journeys.