This too shall pass

The past few weeks, I have really been noticing how I can easily be drawn into the thought that whatever the situation is in the moment is the situation that is permanent. I have observed that other people around me seem to have the same attitude. I can give you some examples:

  • Selling my house - are you sick of this topic yet? Because we had been told that our house would sell quickly, when it wasn’t selling, it really felt like it was NEVER going to sell. Clearly, that status quo would last forever. Now, of course, we have an offer and are well on the way to letting that house go.

  • Weather - in February, we had a string of sunless days. This was a long string. We all began to think that the sun would NEVER come out. Of course that was ridiculous here in New England, where changing weather is its own spectator sport. Even here, we get stuck in this “it will never change” rut.

  • Politics - It doesn’t matter who you support, people are always caught up in the idea that the ideal or disaster of the moment is never going to change. The current situation is never permanent, and it is interesting to watch things as they shift.

You can see this in every walk of life and I could list a zillion more examples above if I didn’t want to adhere to my short blog format! You might wonder, “Will I always be single?” “Will I always be unemployed?” “Will I always feel sick?” “Will I always feel well?” “Will this ideal situation last forever?”

The answer, of course, is no. Change is really the only thing that is constant. I wonder why it is so hard to grasp?

Copyright 2020 Nancy C Murray

Nancy C Murray is a yoga teacher, yoga therapist, Reiki master and spiritual leader.  She leads public and private yoga classes and healing sessions, transformational courses, and also retreats and spiritual journeys.
