The Most Welcome Guest

One of the lessons that I have been carrying with me from the trip to Costa Rica is the importance of valuing and loving one’s self. This is such a hard practice for everyone, as we are so trained to be other focused, and it feels good to take care of other people. However, it is so easy to forget that YOU, too, are deserving of love and care. As I mentioned in my blog at the time, the day that we practiced self love was the most difficult of all. Can we really acknowledge that we are NOT flawed, and that we are perfect as we are. Can we then acknowledge that we deserve to be well cared for?

This was striking to me when we were in conversation with people at the Sanctuary. Each one would acknowledge the need for self care, but also reflect that they might do better in that regard. They at least got the first part - acknowledging the need for self care. Like all things, just noticing and being aware of the issue is the first step to addressing it!

So, let’s say that you have now noticed that we need to engage in self care! What might that look like in your life? I am the queen of neglecting this for myself, so I can say that even thinking about it for a week has been beneficial. Here are some thoughts/actions I have done with this top of mind:

  • I have made myself a blend of fractionated coconut oil and ylang ylang essential oil to rub on my skin when it feels dry. This oil is similar to one that we used when in the jungle, and the scent reminds me of that time and brings me joy. (Yes, we actually got to smell a ylang ylang flower in a tree!!)

  • I have purchased some flowers for my table - I love the look of flowers in the house, especially in the winter.

  • I have vowed to take time each time to meditate or do pranayama to keep me up.

  • I have thought about the importance of choosing who I spend time with.

  • I have booked a getaway to one of my favorite places - acknowledging that these pilgrimages are hard work, and I need some time to just recharge.

I invite you to take some time this week to just consider what self care might look like for you. First, take on the awareness that it is necessary, and then decide what you might do. I hope my thoughts are a catalyst for you.

Copyright 2019 Nancy C Murray

Nancy C Murray is a yoga teacher, yoga therapist, Reiki master and spiritual leader.  She leads public and private yoga classes and healing sessions and also retreats and transformational journeys.
